BrazelBerries® not only share delicious and amazing new flavors for your tastebuds but provide gorgeous color for your yard. All three varieties are also perfect for containers on your patio - a fresh, healthy snack just outside your back door! They're also low maintenance, requiring only minimal care; a springtime fertilizing and once-a-year winter pruning will do the trick.
Raspberry Shortcake: No trellising or staking necessary for this little beauty of a thornless raspberry. Raspberry Shortcake has a compact growth habit that thrives in patio pots or right in your landscape along with other edibles or ornamentals. It's got an outstanding super sweet raspberry flavor.
Peach Sorbet Blueberry: This gorgeous compact blueberry has stunning foliage, ranging from peach to pink to orange to emerald green. Bearing its abundant mid-summer crop of berries, this one's a headturner for your container gardening or in your landscape.
Jelly Bean Blueberry: Jelly Bean is a charming little puffball of a blueberry, but produces a bumper crop of large, flavorful berries mid-summer with super sweet flavor like homemade blueberry jelly. Another plant that's right at home in a container or as an accent in your landscape.
Most Blueberry varieties that Tsugawa Nursery carries are also well-suited for growing in containers,
Sunshine Blue: Though it's not in the BrazelBerry line, this is another blueberry that's perfectly suited to container planting. Self-fertile, this little gem will produce a prolific amount of plump and sweet berries for a good number of weeks and then show off its beautiful foliage into the fall.
More great Edibles for Container Planting
Columnar Apple Trees: These varieties of apple tree are trained to grow with very short stubby branches
and maintain a very narrow habit. Growing to an eventual 8 - 12 ft tall and 2 -3 ft wide, these little guys are a perfect edible for container planting.
Golden Sentinel (right): A McIntosh-style apple that's got large flavorful fruit with golden skin and crisp, juicy texture and flavor.
• Good for fresh eating, baking, applesauce, drying
• Good keeper
• Mid-late season bloomer
• Harvest September - October
• Disease-resistant
• Needs a pollinator
North Pole Columnar: A bright red McIntosh-style apple, with large tasty, crisp and juicy bright red apples.
• Good for fresh eating, baking, applesauce, drying
• Harvest early September
• Needs a pollinator
Scarlet Sentinel (left): Very large, greenish yellow apples with a red blush - very juicy and sweet.
• Good for fresh eating, baking, applesauce, drying
• Early-mid season bloomer
• Harvest mid to late September
• Needs a pollinator
Golden Glory Peach: This dwarf peach will treat you to large-sized fruit with golden skin and a light red blush. This is a freestone peach with a good juicy flavor.
• Good for fresh eating, baking
• Self-fertile
Red Sunset Nectarine (right): This dwarf variety of nectarine bears large-sized fruit that is juicy and firm with yellow flesh. This freestone nectarine is an excellent producer that ripens mid-July.
• Good for fresh eating, pies, canning
• Self-fertile
Some other plants to keep in mind for your container gardening are Figs, Olives, Pineapple Guava, Wintergreen,
Citrus, Pomegranates and Tea.
Smaller Companions for your Container Planting
Strawberries are a great companion if you're planting your blueberry in a container. They can fill in some of the space around the bottom of the plant and then you'll be on your way to a delicious fruit salad from one container!
Still got extra space left in your planter? Try growing some greens or lettuce from seed or starts. We've got a great selection of seeds in stock, including Heirloom, Open-Pollinated and Certified Organic varieties - Bright Lights, Rainbow, Silverado or Perpetual Swiss Chard. Pirat Butterhead, Green Deer Tongue, or Flashy Trout's Back Lettuce. Lacinato, Red Russian, White Russian or Dwarf Siberian Kale are a few of the many varieties we have available. You could also fill that space with Spinach, Sorrel, Chard or Kale starts from our greenhouse.
Also keep Herbs in mind for that extra space in your planters - Rosemary, Mint, Thyme, Oregano or some Salad Burnet! We've got a wide selection of four-inch Herbs already in stock.