At Tsugawa Nursery, we believe our business will only be as strong as the community we live in. We believe we are more than just a business; we are your neighbors.
As good neighbors, it is vital to support the programs that help grow and strengthen our area. With this in mind, Tsugawa Nursery provides active assistance to many local programs and organizations.
The list below represents just a small portion of the organizations and groups we have supported over the years:
Adopt the Troops
Broadway Learning Center
Camp Hope of SW Washington
Clark County Skills Foundation
Clark-Skamania Flyfishers
Doernbecher Children's Hospital
Friends of Kalama Library
Habitat for Humanity
Kalama Fair
King Elementary School
La Center Elementary School
Lelooska Foundation
Lewis & Clark Garden Club
Longview Garden Club
Lower Columbia School Gardens
Mossyrock Garden Club
National MPS Society
Newspapers in Education
Planter's Day
Relay for Life
Ridgefield High School Grad Night
Second Chance Companions
Shriner's Children's Programs
Tempo of Woodland - Hot Chili, Cool Jazz
Vancouver Wildlife Foundation
Woodland ACTION
Woodland Beaver Boosters
Woodland Fire Department
Woodland High School Class of 2014
Woodland Historical Society
Woodland Rotary
Yale Elementary School Garden
We hope our participation can help these and other outstanding programs to thrive and make a positive contribution to the place we call home.
To contact us about supporting your non-profit, please fill out our Donation Request Form [pdf], and return it to our cashier's desk with all supporting documents attached. Please note that it is important we have your donation requestion at least 45 days in advance of the date on which you would need the donation.

Tsugawa Nursery hosts many Community Garden Clubs every year for nursery tours. If your Garden Club is interested in visiting the nursery, please send an email to sales@tsugawanursery.com or call 360-225-8750.
Below are a few of the Garden Clubs that have come to visit during 2013.
Friendly Neighbors Garden Club
Contact Person: Jeryl Fuchs 360-266-0253
Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 11:00 AM.
Meetings are held at various members' houses. The hub is Chehalis but there are members all the way in Tacoma. The club was founded in 1938 and is federated with Washington State Garden Clubs.
Kalama Garden Club
Contact Person: Patti Sherwood pattisherwood@scattercreek.com 673-2809
Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of every month at the Kalama Community Building (unless otherwise announced) at 10:30 AM. Meetings are unique because there are both men and women in membership and the club is not affiliated with any of the State organizations. This frees them from membership dues, fundraising and state projects. They're just a group of local gardeners who meet once a month to share their gardening experience.
Mossyrock Garden Club
PO BOX 445, Mossyrock, WA 98564
Contact Person: Brenda Wood (President) 360-983-3476
Meetings are held the 1st Thursday of every month at the Mossyrock Grange Hall (152 Isabel Road, Mossyrock, WA 98564) at 10:00 AM.
Sunny Hills Garden Club
Contact Person: Carolyn Olley (Garden Club President) 503-698-5305 molley1755@comcast.net
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Hillside Park Community Center (10203 SE Hillside Ave, Milwaukie, OR 97222) at 9:00 AM. Anyone interested in gardening is welcome! Some months they have field trips so it is best to give them a call and make sure they're meeting at the center before showing up. They do not have a meeting in July.
Flourishing Woodland Nursery Celebrates
30th Anniversary - TDN.com, March 19, 2011
A Nursery of Generations - Vancouver Business
Journal, April 1, 2011
Tsugawa Nursery helps gardeners with ‘What to Do in the Garden’ - The Reflector, February 12, 2014