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Fall Container Recipes

This season is packed with beautiful plant material that can transform our containers and fill them with a celebration of autumn colors. Here's a few Fall Container recipes to get your creative juicies flowing!
A cheerful, bright contrast to our sometimes gray season, we named this combination:

Autumn Glow
Wilma Cypress
Blackbird Euphorbia
Sienna Sunrise Nandina
Tiramisu Heuchera
Angelina Sedum
Mahogany Ajuga
Wine Flash Pansy
Festive & fabulous, we named this combination:

Color Splash!
Blackbird Euphorbia
Croton Species
Lime Rickey Heuchera
Baggens Gold Lonicera
Orange Violas
Mahogany Ajuga

Read more about
Fall Containers >>>
Rosy and sweet, we named this

Pretty in Pink
Cherry Cola Heuchera
Carex buchanii
Angelina Sedum
Mahogany Ajuga
Copperfield pansy
Ascot Rainbow Euphorbia


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